I'm 60ish, so what?

It's all about me................

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Now I am depressed.....

I was so happy when I got up this morning. I had a whole list of errands to do and I started out early. I skipped right along - a new drivers license in record time, only car at the drive-through at the bank. First person in line at the post office, no one but me at the UPS store. Hardly anyone at Dick's. Then I went to Kohls. I needed a new purse for the longest time. I walked in and browsed around for a bit. I looked at underwear, sheets, baby socks - whatever. Finally, I went to the handbag section and started to scope it out. I peeked inside a bunch of them, felt all the leather, measured the straps, checked to see how many pockets there were inside....... I was in purse heaven. I finally made my selection - see my new purse!!! Isn't it a beaut!
I was so happy to finally find one that I can live with. I even saved my Kohls store credit slip from a previous return just for this occasion. I walked proudly with my new bag and was the first in line to check out. The purse was 50% off today and my return credit was worth $16.87. What a banner day!!! Then it happened. The salesperson looked up and asked "Ma'm, are you considered a senior citizen?" I was horrified. "Yes, I am", I said matter-of-factly (even though I am not - YET, anyway!). She took an additional 15% off of the price making the final price only $6.58. I should have been thrilled with the final cost. The whole day sucks now..............
One of these days I will get the gist of this editing so that I don't have all these damn spaces.


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