I'm 60ish, so what?

It's all about me................

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh yeah - forgot this topic...

So - how was your Thanksgiving dinner? Fluffy mashed potatoes, luscious stuffing, smooth flowing gravy, wonderful tart cranberry relish, perfectly prepared sweet potato casserole, homemade chunky applesauce? If this was your dinner, you are SO lucky.

Ours basically sucked. We went to Ralphy's mother's (Big Rita) house for dinner. We walked in and I immediately "smelled a rat".

Me: "What is that smell"?

Big Rita: "That's the gravy!"

Big Jim (Ralphy's brother): "Man, is that good!!".

Big Rita: "Get a spoon and come here and taste".

I go to the drawer and get a spoon and stand over the pan. I couldn't figure out what the hell that smell was - it smelled like bacon and then it smelled like some spice I couldn't quite pinpoint. It was thick and lumpy like it had too much cornstarch. I took a taste and it was all I could do not to throw up. I could not get within 10 feet of that pan again.

Me: "Oh, it is delicious!", I lied.

I figured that I could get by without having gravy, so we all went to the table. I took a piece of turkey, had some mashed potatos, then went for the stuffing. OH MY GOD! The stuffing was a huge casserole dish full of dried bread cubes just stuck together. Skip that. So, I figure - how can you screw up cranberry relish?

Me: "Where is the cranberry sauce", I asked politely.

Big Rita: "Here it is", declared Big Rita as she handed me a plate of canned cranberry sauce.

Man - what a disaster. It was really a lousy dinner. But, ya know what? Even though it was probably one of the worst dinners of my life, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving. We ate and laughed and my brother-in-law, Biggy Mike, told a few of his hilarious off-color jokes. We did the dished together and laughed and I sang a few songs really loud along with my sister-in-law, Vick.

Thanksgiving is all about relationships - not about the food. It's all about the family and the children and reaching out to be kind to one another. It's thinking about those less fortunate than we are and giving so much thanks for our blessings. I hope yours was as nice.


(Damn - I was SO looking forward to a nice plate of stuffing.)


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