I'm 60ish, so what?

It's all about me................

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Do I add one?

OK - so this is my birthday weekend. Does this mean that I have to change the name of my blog since I am no longer 60? Who's to know, anyway? I was talking to my son, the doctor who never calls his mother, last night and I told him that it isn't so much the sixty ONE, it's the nine years before SEVENTY!! Can you even imagine how that feels? Nine more years and I will be 70? It's like a blink of an eye.

So - here I am on birthday weekend and I am sicker than a dog. Ralphy has had this cold/sinus infection/cough thingy and now it has been passed to me. We had great plans to go out this evening with our Birthday Club. I had my clothes ready, got my hair highlighted, was already eyeing up the rack of lamb........ but here I am - in my jammied at noon, just getting ready to go back to bed.

Another sad part is that I couldn't go to work at Target this morning to sell stuff. I have totally lost my voice (Ralphy is ecstatic about this!), I am hacking like heck, nose running. How could I have greeted my customers? How could I have admired their purchases? Talked to the babies? I know it sounds kinda ridiculous, but I actually LIKE my job at Target. There are some really nice folks here. I wonder if they will keep me on after the seasonal rush?


Books: Currently reading The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie


  • At December 6, 2008 at 12:25 PM , Blogger Jen said...

    Mom...I love reading your blog. Keep it up:-)

  • At December 6, 2008 at 9:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Happy Birthday Mama Cissy!
    Just wanted to drop in and say a big Thank You for the 3 stars in the ornament exchange. They're handing up on my kitchen wall where the little advent quilt goes, that now I am six days late. it will go nicely together and I think I'll go dig it out. Check the post and I'll take a pic. Have a bless Christmas and hope you're feeling better soon.


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