I'm 60ish, so what?

It's all about me................

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bittersweet day today.....

in that I had to take my dear friend to the airport so that she could go back home to Tucson. The very sweet part was that we got to spend 3 great days together and had just the very best time!

I don't know if I mentioned this, but I found her on Facebook! I hadn't seen her in 20 years and I couldn't believe that she was right there on my screen. I emailed her immediately and she emailed back in about 2 seconds. She flew here to see me and I picked her up at the airport. When she came out of the terminal we were both jumping for joy! We were holding on to each other and hugging and I looked over at this girl sitting on the bench waiting for a ride and she was crying!!! It was so cute. She was so happy for us and we didn't even know who it was! She became suspicious when we invited her to come to lunch. Anyway - we hit the gate running and talked for three days straight. We saw "This Is It" with Michael Jackson, we ate great food, we took a beading class and each made a beautiful necklace and earrings. Let's see.....talked and talked and talked. I don't think anyone could talk that fast without drooling. Maybe I did that too - who knows?

All good things must come to an end. Her husband was waiting for her and it's always good to get away, but always good to go back home. She will be coming again in July for our 45th reunion. Jesus H. 45 years. I haven't even figured out what I am going to do with my life yet and it's just a little bit more than half over. I am expecting to live to 100, you know. That is the minimum. And - I will do it with humor and wine.

The old jammie party is this weekend, as you know, and I just packed the big suitcase. I am ready to go again. After this trip, nothing more til Ralphy and I hit the forest at the end of November for Thanksgiving. There's nothing like cooking Thanksgiving dinner in a cabin in the woods. Whoooooo-ahhhhhhh!

My little Jackie called me this morning to tell me that he just completed Book 2 of "The Diary of the Wimpie Kid", which is a huge thing for him because this is the first time he has finished a book and he has finished Book 1 and Book 2. He did have the notion, tho, that I would be so enthralled with his news and so excited that the kid read something that I would immediately rush out and get Book 3. I did. He's a brat.

Has anyone tried the chocolate cake recipe yet? I am going to make the Baked Brie this weekend as my sister, daughter, and I sit and eat like hogs. That is one problem that we have always had. Miss Aunt Sue brings on the M&M's, ice cream, jelly beans (!!!!!), wine, cheesies, cookies - anything that is over 5,000 calories. Then, Jennifer and I have a few beers on top of it. Then we go to sleep. It's enough to kill a normal girl. We have BEGGED Miss Aunt Sue to stop providing these things but - NOOOOOOOO - she won't hear of it. That's the only time she eats anything but Cheerios and nothing will get in her way.

We have a 30-minute massage (ahhhhhhhhh), a fab facial, manicure. Oh my - do I love a massage. You get all comfy on this warm sheet in this dimly lit room and there's some kind of funky-do tinny music playing ever so softly. Then the oils come out. Warm, wonderfully scented oils are applied on your back, arms, legs and massaged into your shoulders......whew! I wonder if Ralphy could do that? I could save myself $75.00. He probably wouldn't tho because we don't have any tinny music.

I have been doing really well on my new eating plan. No potato, no pasta (gulp), no cookies, candy, breads of any kind. Do I look any thinner? Toned? I just wondered.

Is anyone there?



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